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The following are frequently asked question about coaching and integrative coaching. Read them and if you have any question that is not answered please contact me directly.

What is Integrative Coaching?
Integrative Coaching is a process for transforming your life. Based on the work developed by Debbie Ford, best selling author of "Dark Side Of The Light Chasers" "Spiritual Divorce" and "The Secret Of The Shadow". This unique method of coaching reunites you with your deepest desires and unconceals the "blueprint" leading you to the life of your dreams. Integrative Coaching gently guides you back to your inner wisdom and supports you in creating lasting, deep inner and outer changes. In a safe environment using proven techniques, an Integrative Coach will provide tools, empowering feedback, clear support and heartfelt inspiration to assist you in your personal transformation.

While in this coaching relationship, you will be held to the highest vision of yourself and supported in overcoming obstacles, excuses and beliefs that no longer serve you. This powerful technology will inspire you to make peace with your past and create an extraordinary life.

Benefits of the Integrative Coaching relationship include:
- Learning to access your own inner wisdom
- Clearing the path so you can effortlessly attain your personal goals
- Distinguishing the underlying commitments that prevent you from manifesting your desires
- Unleashing the self-confidence to create a powerful future
- Learning to love and honor all aspects of yourself

How is Integrative Coaching different than other coaching styles?
Integrative coaching uses guided visualizations to take the client through a process to gain insight, wisdom and ultimately an action from inside. In is this process of integration, all the many aspects of you can be brought into you consciousness and used to create the life of your dreams. During the session you will have a dialog with your inner self which will be captured by the coach and sent to you as session notes.
How is coaching different than therapy?
As an over generalization, therapists work on unresolved issues from the past, often associated with physical or emotional trauma. Coaches work on the present and the future to support an individual who may just be feeling stuck. In Integrative Coaching we uses processes to help unconceal the events from the past and any unresolved issues that might be holding you back. Its real power is to identify what you made the incident mean and how you can choose differently now. I say life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of what I make it mean. There is incredible freedom and new possibilities when we make it mean something that supports us.
Can I be coached while seeing a therapist at the same time?
While this is not strictly prohibited it is something that needs to be evaluated on a more in-depth basis. Before working with a client who is currently seeing a therapist I require a consultation with the therapist to evaluate the efficacy of simultaneous coaching and therapy.
Is there emotional work involved, or is it all practical?
Not all coaching styles involve emotional work, however, Integrative Coaching does to a limited extent. In doing the coaching processes it often connects the client to past emotional experiences. The power of Integrative Coaching shows up as these past experiences are unconcealed and insight gained. This is what allows the client to move beyond the limitations of the past and into creating a powerful life.
How will coaching help me?
It will get you the support to move forward in creating what you want in your life.

It will open you to knew possibilities that you might not be aware of or would not consider on your own.

It will help build your self-esteem and confidence as you see shifts in your relationships with others and yourself.

It will support you in being accountable for the life you are creating.

It will help you let go of the belief of "someday I'll have that"... if not now, when?

How many sessions will I need?
I ask clients to initially sign up for 16 weekly sessions. Often during this 4 months a client will be on track to achieving their objectives, and no further sessions are required. However, after the initial 4 months, sessions can be scheduled on a month-to-month or as needed basis.
How long are the sessions? How are they conducted?
Sessions last from 30-45 minutes and are conducted over the telephone. It is preferred to schedule a regular weekly appointment, allowing flexibility to change as needed. During each session we will confirm our next session date and time.
Does it really work to do sessions by telephone?
Coaching is generally more effective over the phone than in person because there are fewer distractions for both parties. Also, some people are more likely to be honest sooner because of the anonymity factor. In addition, you are able to obtain the maximum benefit of your time by eliminating travel time.
What will be expected of me?
Prior to your first session you will complete an in-depth client profile and a coaching objectives worksheet.

During our coaching sessions you will get a weekly action or practice as part of the process we do during the session. You are expected to fulfill the action or practice as part of being accountable for the life you are creating.

I will assign activities at various times to help you unconceal commitments, blocks and beliefs that may be holding you back from moving forward towards your objectives.

I ask you to send an e-mail with the results of your homework 24 hours prior to your session as a way of being accountable and taking responsibility for moving forward in your life.

For your session you will call a designated phone number at a specified date and time. It is expected you will use a land telephone line, cell and cordless phones are not acceptable due to poor sound quality and possible outside interference.

It is recommended that you get a headset for your telephone as this relieves you of holding the telephone during our sessions.

How will we exchange information?
Besides our weekly phone call, we will exchange information using e-mail. Upon completion of our session you will receive an e-mail from me with notes from the session. During the coaching relationship I offer unlimited e-mail support if issues arise between sessions.
What training is required to do coaching?
There isn't any "required" training to do coaching, however there are many organizations which offer a variety of different styles of training. My training was through the Institute of Integrative Coaching by Debbie Ford. In addition, some organizations offer a certification, as does the Institute. In using a certified coach you are insured of a level of quality and training in the coaching style of the certifying organization.

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